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  • Writer's pictureRosalie


As mentioned earlier, this bathroom will eventually be demolished and relocated, but for now a quick pre-reno Reno needed to happen. So with a 4 litre tin of white paint, a few hours of painting and some resourceful styling — we are feeling much more delighted about using our bathroom.

Pre-Reno Reno

The 80's pavers were so terrible with a massive black stain all around the toilet. After scrubbing it several times with sugar soap I decided to paint the whole room white, the floor and all!

The old laundry tub needs to be ripped out and thrown out, however it would have left an unsightly hole in the paved floor, so I chose to paint it as well, straight over the top of the rust! Which of course has tidied it up for now until the full Reno takes place.

Then there was the story of this shabby table which we found covered in rubble and debris in the old shed. As soon as I saw it, my eyes locked onto it's potential, so I asked the boys to help me clean it up, so they could be a part of the transformation process. This little table with its metal top, clearly had a purpose in the old original shed, but I promised it an upgrade.

You will notice we even put the old existing plumbing to good use for now.

Hope you're loving the transformation because we are — almost too nice to demolish!

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1 Comment

May 07, 2020

What an amazing transformation...the Queen would be happy to potty here!! Love that metal topped've certainly an eye for potential!!

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