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  • Writer's pictureRosalie


Must confess we have been baulking at this mammoth task of painting the exterior of the house. Firstly because of our DOB and secondly we knew it entailed much more than a 'lick of paint'. But with a quote for $10K, we decided there was no option but to hit the task head on.

We had to replace the above window when we renovated the ensuite, which meant we had a gaping hole in the outside wall which needed repairing - now was the time!

Up the ladder is not Carl's favourite place to be, especially since his stroke.

As you can see in this pic, the entire board had totally rotted and the only thing remaining was the paint which was draping downwards. Interesting!

Apparently the painting is my department, and I don't mind — I find it quite therapeutic. I understand that it's not everyone's gift.

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Jenny Howard
Jenny Howard

A fantastic job with the painting etc ... Your gorgeous little place is looking amazing. xo :)

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