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  • Writer's pictureRosalie


It's with great excitement and some trepidation that we meet at the house to collect the keys. Well, as it turns out, the house hasn't been locked for over 20 years and a little bunch of random keys were nervously put into our hands. We've waited 25 years for this moment and feel incredibly blessed.

YES! It's ours! Our 'New' 160 year old 'Heritage Listed' house

Unlike me, it has good bones and has withstood many interesting occupants over its lifetime. We have been told some rather interesting history which ranges from a death in the old out-house original kitchen, to a tenant who nurtured his marijuana crop in the ceiling. A rather colourful house, with a colourful history and about to become more dignified and gentrified.

The original two roomed miners cottage design, had an extension added to the rear of the house in the 80's. This 'tasteful' extension included a brick 'Pizza Hut' wall, complete with lovely arch occupying the whole width of the lounge room. Pavers have even been laid on top of some timber floors. As you do...! Beautiful!!! Not!

Originally the front verandah on the little cottage kissed the footpath on the nature strip which seemed to be the way they were built in the day. About 30 years ago the gentleman who owned the place decided he wanted to change all that — he jacked it up, placed two logs underneath, hooked a chain to his 4WD and towed it backwards 16 feet. So it now has a nice little front yard with potential of course.

Don't you just love the main bedroom window which was clearly the cat's entry point into the house. We couldn't believe the cat hair flapping in the breeze as we checked out our new digs.

One nice slimy sheet of plastic at the end of the verandah, a bedside lamp hanging from the ceiling in the bedroom as the main light and a massive very solid brick double firewood bay in the very small lounge room.

Don't think cleaning was a top priority — neither was electrical it seems. Oh dear!!!

More filth and random cables and shelves.

The lounge room is soooo small, we can't believe a wood stove and huge wood storage bay was so significant.

The attractive back of the house with the screens being pet friendly.

And then of course is this makeshift bathroom, no handbasin and joined to a laundry option.

Creativity plus...

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3 opmerkingen

07 mei 2020

Hats off to you both have such vision and are definitely not afraid of hard work, and cleaning up after both human and animal!! Done it many times in my life's journey but think I'm over it now. Will be excitedly looking forward to each installment...hugs xo


Terrynerilie Humphries
Terrynerilie Humphries
10 mrt. 2020

Wow, what a job you have adead of yourselves. We can just imagine the creative juices flowing with plans and ideas. Glad there will be a pictorial record of this amazing journey.


10 mrt. 2020

There is No-One better than you to make over this Miners Cottage and I look forward to the updates. Perhaps it could be called Piccolo Carl?

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