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  • Writer's pictureRosalie


Totally out of left field — just two days before Christmas, came the unexpected news that Carl had suffered a stroke. Not exactly something we had ever anticipated. We both feel very grateful, as it could have been more serious and with conscientious exercise and commitment, we hope and pray that his deficits will soon be a thing of the past. Carl's goal is to be able to play his double bass again one day real soon. And of course continuing to Reno 'Fiddle Leaf NEST'.

Christmas 2019 will certainly be a memorable one for us, as we faced the challenges of dealing with the many facets of Carl's stroke.

Carl felt incredibly nervous to walk confidently and to begin the process of retraining the left side of his body. Mercifully he didn't lose any of his strength but his coordination was very much affected, which of course also meant his fine motor skills.

With many laps of the hallway to regain confidence, Carl soon became more able to walk unaided and was able to do away with his 'walker'.

Christmas day was indeed a strange non-event for us both as Carl lay in a hospital bed and I sat beside him. Of course he really missed his delicious homemade brekkies, so that was his Christmas treat, delivered by yours truly.

We were both really moved by this lovely little family volunteering their time and their talents to come to the hospital to bring some cheer to all the patients. Bless them!

The sweet little family then stood at the door of Carl's room and sang this especially for him. Very touching!

Togetherness is a very special thing when your days are spent in a hospital bed.

Finally 'home' after spending a week in hospital. Little Piccolo Rose was a wonderful place to rest amidst the chaos of a Reno.

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