From the moment we picked this little van up, we just knew the name would have to be feminine, cute and sophisticated. It was around this time in the Reno that her identity became evident.
Carl has spent his entire adult life in Creative Corporate Communication, which includes Graphic Design, Branding, Writing, Animation, Photography, Websites etc etc.
This is just one of the many corporations he has put on the stage.
So creating a corporate image should have been easy for him, but he was so preoccupied with the actual Reno and was extremely focused on the job at hand. In actual fact it was our daughter who rang us one day and said "I have a cool name for the van." We listened, looked at each other and said, "YES!" "That's it!"
At that moment 'Piccolo Rose' was born. It just seemed perfect, 'Piccolo' — meaning tiny/little and 'Rose' — named after me. Cool!