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  • Writer's picturePiccolo and the ROSE


I am not sure I really want to mention this place on my blog for fear it will become inundated, but it is just the most amazing place to stay for some real R&R. The pics of our stay here truly speak for themselves, well, as best as a pic can anyway. Even the pics don't cut it, but you are about to see heaps of pics in an attempt to do it justice.

How is that for an amazing breakfast location. Memories that we will never forget.

Can't get much closer to the beach than that! Powered site and all. We love it this place.

We had our own park bench and fire-pit as well.

Sunset hues are always delightful.

Little wallabies came up to the door of the van, they were so tame. Apparently there are even Emu's that strut their stuff on the beach as well, but we didn't see any during our stay. We saw kangaroos hopping on the beach right in front of us and for the first time in our lives, as the sun was setting one day, we noticed two kangaroos having a late afternoon swim in the ocean. Beautiful!

Enjoying the extremely relaxed few days we had in this stunning location.

After we left Potato Point we noticed a very large fire across the ocean, which made for some interesting pics, sad about the bushland burnt out though.


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Piccolo and the ROSE
Piccolo and the ROSE
16. aug. 2019

It's soooo beautiful! Can I enjoy it with you?


16. aug. 2019

Don't ever go to Potato Point. You'll absolutely hate it. Just leave it for me to enjoy!

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