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  • Writer's pictureRosalie


Well actually the bedroom was entirely void of romance. Just disgusting filth that had accumulated over decades. You MUST be sure to watch the video amongst the following pics. Anyway we were up for the challenge to create a new narrative for this room as the old one was way too unfortunate.

Its new story pics are at the end of this Blog post. Enjoy! AND don't forget to comment on the Blog.

You just MUST watch the following video to give you an accurate picture of the transformation that took place in our bedroom. What else do you do but bring in the high powered pressure cleaner - indoors and all! And that was after the walls and floors were scrubbed twice with sugar soap.

The joins in the tongue and groove were gaping open and some worse than others, allowing a wonderful space for spiders, dirt and other vermin. We painstakingly filled all the cracks on the ceiling and walls with 'no more gaps'.

More gaps than Chad Morgan...

Couldn't wait to get some paint on this 80's pine - sorry, just not a big fan.

So much history in this place we are not sure where to start, or indeed what to tell you. Locals tell us that many disreputable tenants have lived in this place over the years and of course we don't mean Marty either Annie! However at some point a serious crop of marijuana was grown and harvested in the roof of this cottage and some of the evidence is still in the roof. If you take a look at the manhole, you will see some of the evidence.

Even though the place is as solid as a brick dunny, it does have a few vermin holes here and there that need repairing.

When Carl's Mum died recently we chose to keep this big gold mirror and to re-purpose it in Fiddle Leaf NEST as a memory of her. We love its new look and it looks quite at home here.

The main light in the ceiling doesn't work yet, so what do you do to hide the ugly lead which is covered in fly poo — you hang a cool $20 Ikea light-shade to cover a multitude of sins.

Click on the following link to see the BEFORE pics of the original house.

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2 commentaires

07 mai 2020

Thanks Sharon. We often feel as though we haven't done enough and then other times, we look around and remember that we've only been here a few months, with Carl having a stroke amidst it all. Lovely to share with someone who appreciates the progress. Stay tuned... R&C


04 mai 2020

You guys seem to have fabulous energy to have done so much in such a short time. I know you've had help, but the energy is yours too. Some people live in houses for 10 years and don't accomplish as much as you have in a few weeks!

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