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  • Writer's pictureRosalie


The laneway at the rear of the property, once used by the dunny man, was yet another unfortunate area that needed some help. After removing a section of the back fence to make way for the shipping container, we were left with only part of the back fence which deserved a makeover as it stood proudly next to a beautiful Eucalypt.

The artist is at work...

It's lovely walking down this country laneway and many of the locals stroll down the lane, so I thought it would be nice to plant some highly perfumed lavender for them to enjoy as they walk by.

The corner garden around the big Eucalypt is yet to happen but we are well on the way and have a much loved firepit to add charm to the space.

Check out the following link to remind yourself of how the backyard once was...

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1 commento

11 giu 2020

I like to wait until I am on my computer to have a look at your wonderful updates Rosalie. You're working hard with the painting (I just read Dunny Lane Beautified). You've been busy putting up posts as well as doing the hard work. I love your idea for the paint - in a used milk container. Easy to handle, easy to fill and you can throw it out at the end of the day if you wish. Gotta remember that handy hint.

Mi piace
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