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  • Writer's pictureRosalie


With the back yard now well on its way to looking respectable, we start the challenge of doing the same to the front. Well. not quite the same! I have some landscaping plans in mind which requires a clean slate, so here we go.

Very satisfying to say the least. We love relaxing on the back deck or on the freshly mown grass. Noice!

Here is a little reminder of what the front of the house used to look like.

Right on the front fence line was an old Murraya which, like everything else here had never been kept under control at all. Klint had chopped it back when he was here with the Bobcat but we needed the excavator to come back and help us out.

Wade came around again to make short work of the stump removal and of course the neighbour was most interested in the progress, so supervised the action from the sideline - no shirt and all!

The following tree needed to be removed as well, even though it was on the nature strip as it is right in the path of a future driveway. So Wade sorted that stump as well.

The old dilapidated fence now gone and all the unruly foliage as well. I know it looks rather naked, but not for too long, watch this space for the developments.

Click on the following link to see the BEFORE pics of the original house.

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1 Comment

Coralie Young
Coralie Young
May 28, 2020

I may be repeating myself but, wow, this is being transformed into a real beauty. I'm not surprised though! x

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