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  • Writer's pictureRosalie


We have been soooo busy and my dear Cherrybimbles have been incredibly helpful. It was time to escape for some fun. Lockdown arrived which meant no school — I was rather happy about that and so were the kids! They hop on their skateboards or bikes and turn up any time of the day for a visit and of course I ALWAYS have noice 'Nanny treats' for them.

We love having South West Rocks in our 'back yard' and often take the cruisy 15 minute country road to basque in its beauty. Arakoon is an amazing place with so much history. We love it!

A relaxing bushwalk with your grandies is a great way to forget momentarily about a Reno

All grown up and already taller than Nanny-Rose.

Back home for some more Nanny-Rose treats. Yummo!

And then we shared the joy of the kids wanting desperately to put up a swing in our very big Flame tree.

More specialness for a special boy...

Fun on and off the swing...

Check out the following link to remind yourself of how the backyard once was...

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