Well the challenge of removing the very large Cocos palm stump proved to be far greater than expected and Plan B had to be come into play. Anyone who enjoys watching boys on their toys will certainly enjoy this Blog post.
Poor Klint certainly needed a neck massage after his attempts to remove this brute of a stump.
On one of the trips to dump the rubbish, the guys drove past a parked excavator, so Klint decided to ask if they were able to help out. Klint didn't like conceding defeat, especially when he is the grandson of an earthmoving contractor. Within 15 minutes Wade turned up with his machine, got about his business, loaded his machine and when Carl asked him how much he owed him, he replied, "Don't worry about it mate, I don't mind a bit of community service - happy to help out!" Praise God for Wade.
Click on the following link if you'd like to see the 'BEFORE' pics