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  • Writer's pictureRosalie


This rustic old shed 'Fiddle Leaf Barn' has been an ongoing saga and as you have seen in previous Blog posts, we have repaired it, strengthened it, refreshed it, renewed it and made it functional and weatherproof. Obviously it has needed a few sessions to reach this point. Now it is time for Carl to fit it out internally — and move in! Yes!!! Set up his tools etc.....Very exciting!

Check out the following two Blog links to remind yourselves of what we've been through to get to this point.

It is sooooo good having a space that is now lockable and weatherproof. Unlike the original.

Carl is VERY happy to have a little space that he calls 'his'. It's wonderful seeing him enjoy it too.

Check out the following two Blog links to remind yourselves of what we've been through to get to this point.

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